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Les Musiciens Bâtisseurs propose to hold sessions for schoolkids, either as standalones or as part of teaching projects. In these sessions, we will present artistic/creative professions, and/or early musical instruments. These meetings are tailormade for the different school grades and give the occasion to offer a different perspective on topics in the arts, history, geography, literature, science, etc.

They can be adapted to special education programmes.

Trips and Visits of Local Heritage Sites

Whether or not they are listed historical monuments, buildings and organs are often among the treasures of towns and villages. In the form of daytrips or visits, Les Musiciens Bâtisseurs offer to share their vision of the local heritage—an occasion to make the youth aware of the legacy they receive from the past. These meetings also allow the general public to discover, or rediscover, the riches of our national heritage.

Teaching (Training Sessions, Workshops, Masterclasses)

Teaching and handing knowledge down are important goals for Les Musiciens Bâtisseurs, whether in the form of training sessions, workshops or masterclasses.

Les Musiciens Bâtisseurs propose to hold sessions in music conservatories, not only in early music classes but also in modern instruments classes and in voice departments taking an interest in performing early music, in France and abroad.

Lectures and Presentations

Les Musiciens Bâtisseurs propose lectures or presentations on artistic/creative professions, early instruments, early music and architecture. These themes can be studied independently or in relation to one another.